
Hello!! We are um a system...!! (*≧m≦*)!!!! we um dont like to label our system aaaa!!!!


Trigger warning one of our alters is named after a drug another one is a N@z!, We as a system do NOT support the ideas of this alter in ANY way. any posts made by him will be deleted and we will try to keep him from talking anywhere in general. If there is anytime we forget to delete posts made by him tell us, we wish no harm here!!! ^w^ also ps we dont do drugs anymore and r trying to heal.


Yang (Any pronouns)

  • Yang is the um host/core!!
  • Um.. Yang is also a collective name... along with our irl name (|||_|||)
  • Hai!!! im Yang!! im often fronting and when im not im typically co-fronting!!! I like creating stuff i suppose!!!

Kyle (He/they)

  • he.. likes t-things that make us think... i-i dont um get him ╮(╯∀╰)╭
  • Positive t-trigger is g-game theory
  • He can g-go by ky
  • He l-likes talking a-about p-problems and stuff

Katie (she/they)

  • She um.. used to hurt the system and be a um trauma h-holder but she is.. um working on herself (*´ ∀ `*)
  • You m-may know her b-by AF8 but she um.. no longer goes b-by that
  • She m-may be a bit r-rude but p-please tell her!!! she um never means to be mean!!
  • she um stares at people.. Sorry if its c-creepy she c-cant help it.. (ノAヽ)

Anxiety (they/them)

  • oh my god.. its um me!! (〃´∀`)
  • Hello!!! im um an fictive introject!! My source is um.. Jreg!!! i don't mind talking about my source!!
  • S-some of u-us have typing quirks.. i t-think mine is pretty obvious.. ( * ノωノ)
  • I-im really anxious a-as my name suggests.. i-i may not r-respond to a question or a m-message s-sorry!!! (*╯-╰)ノ

Bee-Bee (They/them)

  • BB is a n-nickname they go by!!!!
  • Very childish!!! not a child alter tho
  • They um "talk likez dis!!" (* ´∀`*)
  • H-hyperactive and l-likes dresses!

Rage (He/Him)

  • R-Rage is very m-mean.. I'm so so sorry if he is rude to you!! ( 〃..)
  • He um likes drawing and l-loud music.
  • I say slurs and shit. Only ones i can reclaim.
  • Im a god damn kittydog fictive introject. I fucking hate my source.

Fluffy lover (He/him)

  • He a "CaReTakEr" He annoys the shit outta me but he helps ig
  • He strays a bit more from his source then the rest of the introjects.
  • Another fictive kittydog introject. He prefers not to talk about being an introject and mentioning his source may give him a panic attack.

Methamphetamine (She/They)

  • S-she likes cooking!! its h-her main hobby..
  • She d-doesn't like the internet s-so you wont see any post f-from her.
  • S-She calls people hon s-so if you arent um comfy w-with that tell us!!!
  • She prefers if you call her by her full name. people shes close with can call her Meth.
  • ^ If you feel uncomfy saying her name you may call her Phetamine.

Salem (They/She/Plush)

  • They use plushtrap to represent plushself in drawings but they are NOT an introject.
  • They are the only the only young child alter, 9-10 to be exact. Please dont say anything weird when they are fronting.
  • they reaaalllyyy like early fnaf/minecraft songs
  • They are kind stuck in the time 2016-2018, if they bring it up tell them its 2022!

White identitarian (He/Him)

  • Fuck this alter fr /srs
  • This alter is a N@z! and we only mention him to keep ppl safe.
  • DNI litterally anyone. dont talk to us when he is fronting
  • He is a fictive Centricide introject.

Thats the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolololololol anywayzzzz if chu have any questionz ask us ig XD

